The Little Review (littlereview) wrote,
The Little Review

Poem for Saturday

By Constantine P. Cavafy
Translated by George Barbanis

Like beautiful bodies of the dead who had not grown old
and they shut them, with tears, in a magnificent mausoleum,
with roses at the head and jasmine at the feet --
this is what desires resemble that have passed
without fulfillment; with none of them having achieved
a night of sensual delight, or a bright morning.


I had a fun afternoon. Had lunch with gblvr at Tara Thai, some shopping for jewelry in the mall and other stuff at Target. Then wrote a review of the odious Next Gen episode "Violations", which I think I hate as much as Voyager's "Retrospect," and tried to learn the new TrekToday posting system since the site is migrating to Wordpress. It took a couple of tries and some tweaking -- I had to take out the paragraph breaks, change the bold codes to strong codes, and figure out where to put the cut tag -- then I went back and put my name on the previous Retro Review posts and added a Retro Review tag to the ones that didn't have it. By the time I finished, it was time to go to my parents' for dinner.

Greg Koontz of the Alabama Boys Comedy Act at College Park's AirFair 100.

Here is Koontz performing another stunt before landing the plane on a moving truck blasting "Sweet Home Alabama."

The start of the Misty Blues All Woman Skydiving Team's performance...

...and the team nearing the conclusion.

Otto the Helicopter finishing a display.

Lisa Nelson walking on top of the ultralight while Bob Essell pilots.

Kevin Russo takes his T-6 Texan into a dive.

And a plane/ride for the kids.

After dinner (barbecued chicken and salmon, yay), I subjected my family to Glee again because I wanted to record it. Nobody left the room, though Adam was very unimpressed with the cast tweets across the bottom of the screen. He was busy getting our penguins settled in their Grecian Ruins, anyway. I think thefridayfive, like fridayfiver before it, may be abandoned. fannish5: Name the five most fascinating alien cultures.
1. Vulcans
, Star Trek
2. Bajorans, Star Trek
3. Ood, Doctor Who
4. Onetime Stars, A Wrinkle In Time
5. Tie: Asteroid Space Worms & Garbage Eater, Star Wars

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